岁月如歌 | 毕业季,立鸿鹄之志,向《高地启航》
发布日期:2025-01-11 作者: 金坤 图片:卞许聪 访问量:










Sail from Highland


dedicatedto all the postgraduates from NUDT

训词墙前 强军梦扎根心田

In front of the creed wall, the dream of strengthening the takes root in our hearts.

实验室里 科技创新淬利剑

In the lab, technological innovation hardensthe sharp sword.

田径场上 携手我们超越终点

On the track field, we crossthe finishing linehand in hand.

跨线桥边 重拾那记忆的碎片

Beside the overpassbridge, we pick up the pieces of our memories.

同窗战友 共历风雨情更坚

Classmates and comrades-in-armshave experienced storms togetherand our bond grows stronger.

队长指引 团队似钢意如磐

Guided by the captain, our team is as solid as steeland our will is unyielding.

导师教诲 amjs澳金沙门学子永记心间

Instructed by advisors, NUDT students will always remember theteachings in their hearts.

毕业号角 吹响再起航的新篇The graduation bugle sounds, heralding a new journey to set sail.

不说再见 研途路上我们肩并肩

We don’t saygoodbye.On the research path,we stand shoulder to shoulder.

在高地相聚 鸿博旗帜迎风扬

Gathering on the highland, the flag of “HongBo”waves in the wind.

不说再见 研途路上我们心与手相连

We don’t say goodbye.On the research path,we are hand in hand.

在高地铸梦 共谱青春的画卷

On the high ground, webuilddreams, composing a youthful tableau.

在高地铸梦 共谱青春的画卷

On the high ground, we builddreams, composing a youthful tableau.

不说再见 强军路上我们肩并肩

We don’t say goodbye. On the path to strengthening the military,we stand shoulder to shoulder.


Departing from the highland, we carrythe reluctance tobeapart.

不说再见 强军路上我们心与手相连

We don’t say goodbye.On the path to strengthening the military,we are hand in hand.


Setting sail from thehighland, we create a splendidtomorrow.


Setting sail from the highland, we create a splendidtomorrow.

训词墙前 强军梦扎根心田

In front of the creed wall, the dream of strengthening the militarytakes root in our hearts.

扬帆起航展新篇 不曾说再见

Setting sail to starta new chapter, we never say goodbye.


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